
Cardiac imaging

Reliable imaging biomarkers

My primary research interest is in the improving the measurement of imaging biomarkers. Currently I am focused on the assessment of Aortic Stenosis, Mitral Regurgitation, and Left Ventricular Function by echocardiography.

Aortic stenosis

As part of my PhD I have developed improved protocols, techniques, and software for automated analysis of aortic stenosis

When published, the data and software will be released as open source.

Mitral regurgitation

Continuing on from the work of a colleague, I have developed improved techniques and software for the automated analysis of mitral regurgitation

When published, the data and software will be released as open source.


ICDs in patients with left ventricular dysfunction, with and without ischaemic heart disease

An up-to-date meta-analysis of the mortality benefit of ICDs in the wake of the DANISH trial. In this paper we show that in patients without ischaemic heart disease ICDs have a mortality benefit

Accepted for publication in the European Heart Journal

Read at EHJ

Perioperative beta-blockade in non-cardiac surgery

Conducted in the wake of the discrediting of many beta-blocker studies, this meta-analysis, based on the remaining credible data, demonstrated that when initiated in the perioperative period beta-blockers were harmful.

This paper, published in "Heart", won their paper of the year award.

Based on this work the European Society of Cardiology updated their guidelines

Read at Heart

Effect on cardiovascular risk of high density lipoprotein targeted drug treatments niacin, fibrates, and CETP inhibitors

Published with Dr. Keene in 2014, this is a comprehensive meta-analysis of all HDL lowering therapies

Read at BMJ

Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in children

Published in the "BMJ" during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic this meta-analysis found little benefit of the currently available anti-viral therapy on influenza in children

Read at BMJ

Research methodology

Discrepancies in autologous bone marrow stem cell trials and enhancement of ejection fraction (DAMASCENE)

This meta-analysis found that in trials of bone-marrow derived stem cell trials for heart failure, the benefit seen was correlated with the number of discrepancies found in the trial reports. In trials with few errors, the effect was minimal.

This paper by Dr. Nowbar was awarded "Paper of the year" by the BMJ

Read at BMJ

Why even more clinical research studies may be false: effect of asymmetrical handling of clinically unexpected values

This paper demonstrate how even very small amounts of bias are able to sway whole studies.

Read at PLOS

Renal denervation

This trio of papers, publised after the Symplicity HTN-3 posted negative results, explores why previous trials had such positive results

Read at BMJ

Read at Circ: CVQO

Read at J Htn


Pacemaker optimisation using non-invasive finger blood-pressure

As part of Prof. Francis' & Dr. Whinnett's research group I perform CRT optimisation and develop associated software.

Contact for software

Novel pacing strategies in heart failure

As part of Prof. Francis' & Dr. Zachary Whinnett's research group.

Open Source Software


A Tensorflow implementation of SegNet, modified for cardiac MRI segmentation using the "Sunnybrook Cardiac Data"

View at GitHub